September 11

I join with friends from around the world who remember the tragic events of September 11, 2001. We remember the sadness and shock we felt as we began to contemplate the unfathomable costs in the form of lost lives, collapsed buildings, destroyed businesses, and we mourned the loss of safety and security. Every television and radio station spewed images and details of each horrific act. One plane, then another; one tower and then the next. We had no idea about what was to come next. But we knew there was more to come, and it did. The Pentagon, Flight 93 went down when passengers revolt against the hijacker, and then we heard reports that its target was most likely the White House or the Capitol. Air space was completely shut down to all commercial traffic as we wondered if our ordinary lives could ever be normal again. Thousands of families bore the intimate loss of loved ones and shared their loss with billions of people from around the globe. Amid the stories of the lost an...