Me and my iPad

I like my iPad. Once I added my bluetooth keyboard I became committed to my iPad. It is often the best tool for the job I am trying to get done. I can type with it, write with it, turn pages like pages and I can even draw with it. The introduction of a tablet tool to my arsenal of electronic toys has turned out to be a favorite of all of the additions I have. I don’t see a future me without some type of tablet. As a multi-platform user I am not married to Apple, we just have a significant relationship. I have wanted a USB and better access to a window-based file management system. My daughter is using a Nexus tablet through her school. She uses our iPad at home and she loves them both. I suspect another tablet will be in my future. In July 2010, I purchased my iPad because of an upcoming trip. I had offered to chauffeur my parents on a 12-14 hour drive to Canada for a reunion. I had almost completely moved...