Merry Christmas 2013

Today I thank my mother and father for their goodness, kindness and example that I hope to emulate through my years.

I thank my brother Paul for his leadership. As the eldest of numerous siblings he has paved the way for us all to set goals and achieve them.

My sister Kathy has always stood for that which is right.  Her virtuous living and stalwart life keeps us steady and grounded.

Joanne has kept our family fun and imbued us with continued traditions.  Thank you Jody.

Diane has blessed us all with the example of continual hope.  Her courage in the face of trials is a gift I remember on this Christmas Day.

Elaine will give her support to anyone at any time and for any need.  I am not even sure she asks why.  Thank you for that unconditional love.

Richard will get into the grind and solve any problem as quickly as it arises.  He shows me the value of not waiting and rueing but just getting in and doing it.

My brother Robert, the second of the twins, keeps his youthful character and play.  I thank him and wish that I could be as witty as he.

Janet has been a lifelong confidant and friend.  She taught me the joys of shopping.  Her wise living has allowed her to enjoy rich blessing without the weight of debt.

Jeff.  Este hermano enseƱa los principios del evangelio y la manera de vivir por medio de sus acciones y palabras.  Agradezco siempre la amistad que compartimos y las aventuras que hemos hecho juntos.

David honored me this year with the chance to ordain him a high priest.  His acts of service, on and off the tennis court, keep me hopping to stay on his level.

I thank Steven for his intensity.  Great passion carries its risks and rewards and I am always pleased when his efforts pay dividends.

Greg humbly goes about his living and has created a family that shows such genuine and continual love.

Kenny may be the youngest but his greatest flaw is my highest inspiration.  Sometimes he just won't say no, even when he should.  One day I'll grow up to be like him.

My dear wife Cathy shows me her kindest love and I am deeply in love with her.  As a mother she knows our children and I am grateful that she keeps up with the trends so that she can speak the same language as my children.

I am thankful for Naomi and the gifts that she brings.  Her talents of music and art and her desire to become better reflect my hope for eternal progression.

Adam deflects his pure love with humor and teenage angst and I smile when he plays his clarinet and saxaphone.  Thank you for your help in our home.

Mary is my beautiful daughter who always tries to do what is right.

Jonah keeps us all happy with simple and childlike joy.

Thank you all and Merry Christmas.


  1. Brent! What a very inspiring message! It is great to see how families like the "Newtons" have evolved over time!

  2. Thank you, Dean. I appreciate your kind words and we Newtons are an evolving species for sure.


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