Two Guys on a Train

Every so often I am reminded of the futility in trying to create order to the chaos that represents my everyday life. Today, I heard things on a train that provided me insight into a parallel world, one that coexists with my own but runs on a completely different track. These two guys in their mid-20s are chatting about how long they have been in the city and how their approaches to survival have changed. One guy explains how he was born into a gang. He didn't have to get jumped in because he was born into it; his mom raised his whole family as part of the gang. As we stopped at a train station he points out a bicycle storage compartment that is painted red, white and blue.

He then explains that the government gave some gangs the color red and other gangs the color blue. But the government kept white for itself. That's why, "when you go into the city, you'll never see white graffiti, and if you do you better watch out 'cuz stuff is crazy there. White graffiti ain't nobody's territory and the government's gonna let 'em fight over it." The other guy didn't know that but acknowledges that it makes total sense, but he isn't worried because of his people skills.

This other guy breaks down how he has stayed on the fringes of gangs and has managed to get by. He has been able to maintain amicable relationships with TCGs, Crips and "all the rest." He's "chill with everyone" and everything is "tight". But his relationship with his family is so messed up that his father doesn't want him to see his mother because he's afraid that this guy will set up a jump to take all of their money. He explains that maybe he's taken their money, but "how can my dad think that I would have anyone jump them and take their money?" he asks.

Fortunately they  both claim to have read the Bible and have received some really good direction. They know what is right and what is wrong and they know where life is taking them. One of the men has his GED and encouraged the other one to get his; he could tell from talking that he knew enough to be able to pass the test and that would help him get on his way. At this point both gentleman got off the train, the first because he had reached his destination, the second announced that he had just been along for the ride because he had found some good company. The one went his way and the other waited on the platform for the next train to arrive.

I am not much of a gambling man, but I would wager that if they had overheard my conversation with a friend on the train, my life of church, hospital, work, conferences, budgets, taxes and so on and so on would appear other worldly to them as well.


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