Out camping

I think it's fair to say that my wife hates camping. She would rather endure a boring lecture on the development and advances in packing peanut technology than set up a tent and sit around a campfire. And I haven't even mentioned the dirt.

To be fair, she loves nature. She finds beauty in the colors of leaves, the strength of mountains and the seeming creative power of erosion by water, heat, and wind. She simply prefers to enjoy this beauty from the comfort of her own home via pictures, photographs or video. If she has to be in the country you will likely find her in a lodge overlooking the wonders around her.

I confess to giving her a bad time about her aversion to camping and letting her know that the Springhill Suites really doesn't count. I have always believed that camping requires a tent, cooking over a fire, hiking, and telling stories under the sky.

Because it is always better to have a happy wife, I have done more camping at Springhill Suites than Crystal Hot Springs and I don't regret it one bit. The next few night I will be camping in a tent and spending a week with scores of young women and their leaders. These ladies are smart enough to lure 6-7 men up to lug around heavy objects and other meaningless chores.

Joking aside I marvel at their diligent efforts and willingness to sacrifice time and energy for the well being of these girls. It's just the first day butter level of organization and the feelings of live and concern permeate the campground.

So I don't want emphasize the gentleman who are sleeping on their trucks rather than pitching a tent. To make a more full disclosure, one of those men will be going on a hike with a group of the older girls and spending the night under the stars. With no tent, I'm not sure if he's ill prepared or simply way more adventuresome.

There is another gentleman who has his entire motorhome up here at the camp. I am sure he will sleep more comfortably than I and that he will be completely rested at the end of the week, but can you really call that camping. I figure if you are going to become organize while camping you may as we'll stay at home.

I do look forward to one luxury at our site. We have bathrooms; not outhouses, but real fully functioning bathrooms. Ten years ago I would have taken away camping points just for that. Not this time. I've built a fire, chopped wood, pitched a tent and taken a mini hike already. Even if I went home tomorrow this would be camping and I have thee nights to go. X


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