Hard Fun

In the bottom of the ninth we needed three runs to win and advance to the next round of the playoffs. It wasn't going to be easy but the heart of the order was due up to bat and hope was appropriate. After Matt earned a lead-off walk, everyone put on their rally caps and the chatter in the dugout began in earnest. One run wasn't going to help so there was no small-ball calls coming from the coaches. We were going to have to hit our way to this win because their pitcher wasn't about to give up seven walks.

After Leroy hit a double to the gap, Matt scored the first run and we felt like the game was there for us to win. Leroy was quick and he stole third without a throw after a pitch in the dirt. The count was 2-2 and from Joe's perspective it was so far inside that he fell back avoiding the pitch. He was shocked when he heard the call for strike three. Our mood went from jubilant to angry but determined in a moment. With one out Gary stepped to the plate and on a 1-2 count he hit a high slicing ball to right field. As the right fielder slid to catch the ball tailing away from him it looked like the ball bounced into his glove. Leroy had tagged watching the play and Gary hustled to second while Leroy easily scored making it a one run game.

In the excitement we didn't hear the umpire call Gary out. He ruled that it was a clean catch. Since there were two outs we had no margin for error. As I walked to the plate I didn't know if I could even stand in the box for the nerves and tension. But as soon as I took one look at the pitcher, he looked more nervous than I did. His first pitch curved right into my swing and the ball flew to the centerfield fence. I made it to third and I represented the tying run. With two outs I listened for the ping of the ball off the aluminum bat. It was a fastball and without a sign from the bench, Glen laid down a bunt toward the shortstop. I dashed for home and slid into home plate and then I felt the tag.

Before I could celebrate, I heard the echoing, "You're out!",  over and over in my ears.

Three plays.
A questionable strike.
A sliding catch.
A bang bang play at the plate.

All of them against us and our season was over. I will always feel like we were robbed of another chance at a championship series. It wasn't right and I wish it had been different. But as I look back on that game it remains one of my favorites because I learned that when I play sports I'd rather focus on having fun than worrying about who was right.


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