Will We Thrive?

Some plants and animals thrive in the heat and light of a blazing summer's sun while others need the relief offered by a more mild climate. The challenge of constant heat becomes unbearable in combination with the associated scarcity of water. But where there is water sufficient to sustain life, the presence of heat and persistent light we will discover a bounteous representation of life in both plant and animal life.  For heat alone fails to overcome the primal drive to survive, diversify and thrive.

The powers of nature astound me as I observe simple plants, with stems that I can tear with no effort, break through rocks or cement that I would require a jack hammer to break. Yet somehow, these plants find the smallest of fissures to exploit. Fueled by groundwater, they germinate and sprout while they seek the heat of the sun. Little by little they take full advantage of every weakness. Perhaps several plants die before the one that I can see emerges as the conqueror of mountains, roads, driveways and walkways.

Once that first, vine, flower or shoot hits the light of day it merely portends the transformation that will come without human intervention. First life paves the way for a more full display that flows from nature's fundamental laws. Life seeks the energy that comes from light and it instinctively uses the elements, minerals, water and air that lets it exist. These efforts occur in all life forms, regardless the complexity, and they represent the instinct to survive. Once minimally established, life forms work with their environments to ensure their future existence.

Most life forms require diversification to transcend basic survival and ensure sufficient expansion to achieve perpetual progeny. Plants attract all forms of animal life that bring with them other seeds that create an ecosystem that continually seeks a symbiotic balance that allows each form to achieve its greatest potential. None could do it alone, and all require the benefit of the non-living environmental components. The tremendous variety that appears wherever life exists bears witness to the natural condition of diversity that helps us stay a step above survival.

Tropical forests provide dramatic displays of life when it is allowed to thrive. At the level of the seemingly innumerable species, survival is barely a concern and diversity is shown to be a given. These environments have allowed life to thrive. They can inspire humanity through their beautiful, naturally cooperative and deeply rooted connections; links that demonstrate how life in its fullness promises more than the benefits of survival and diversity. While there exists competition between the species and there are many levels of predators and prey, the species work together to naturally find a balance that allows them to leave survival behind, move beyond mere diversity and thrive.

Are we willing to accept the lessons of survival and follow the natural quest to find a way to utilize the strengths that come from diversity and establish a human ecosystem where we  thrive?


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