My Christmas Reality

There isn’t much that separates me from the cars when I am traveling down the road, even though most of my route has a dedicated bicycle lane. While that may conjure images of a dedicated and improved trail, it really means that there is a three foot painted path immediately next to the flow of traffic. So one strip of paint is all that protects me from potential collisions. I find a testament to excellent driving by most travelers in the fact that I don’t usually even experience what I would consider close calls during my 1.5 to 2 hours on the road every day. That thin white line seems to do its job and it keeps me safe.

Then there are days like today. While pedaling along a stretch of road, I started to coast as I approached a red traffic light. At the same time a car drifted into the bicycle lane and barely missed me. I don’t think the driver even knows what she did because she was busy reading a magazine. Yes, this driver was the poster child of multi-tasking drivers. She pressed  the magazine against the steering wheel and I watched her head bob ever five or six seconds. That is five seconds of head down and focussed on the magazine and then a .5 second glance up to traffic immediately followed by the head dropping down to look at the magazine. To her credit, she was not violating our new traffic regulation that prohibits using a handheld electronic device while driving.

I was able to watch this display as she approached the light and came to a stop. When I pulled up beside her I saw the most important article that had her attention. “The Reality of Christmas.” At that moment I thought of the Christmas spirit and thought of a very real gift that this driver could give me and everyone around her but I was unable to share that thought with her as the light turned green. To my dismay, this woman started driving with her eyes fixed on the article with only brief and casual glances up as she merged onto a freeway onramp. From there I went my way, relieved that she had gone hers.

When I got to the office I searched the title and quickly found it in a local religious publication. True to its title the author wrote about the many things that are either do not endure or seem fake about Christmas. He also shared his personal witness of Jesus Christ as the Son of God, more than a mere mortal and born under miraculous circumstances. He shared a challenge to do better this Christmas season to find greater peace for ourselves and to show greater love and kindness to those around us and to make Christmas real.

The message of Christmas is perhaps the greatest message and we should study it in all seasons, not just in December, and not while we are driving.


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