Worthy to Worship

I opened  my Facebook app and was greeted with the following message:.

If you are going to make a meme, can you please stick to the same font? The combination of serif and san serif made me question whether the creator had any grasp of the fundamental nature of the human condition. When you stop and think about it, wisdom demands greater attention to detail when dealing with intrinsic practices like the worship of God and the limits on how to do it.

Perhaps a much less interesting meme, but the period should really go after garbage. I could get behind any movement that endorses not
treating people like garbage. Unfortunately, people do treat others, at different moments in time, like garbage. So it isn’t so much that we cannot treat people like garbage and more like we shouldn’t.

This meme caught my attention because it linked the bad behavior of treating people poorly with the ability to worship God while treating people like garbage. If that’s the case, I’m in big trouble. I will not use this space to outline all of the poor decisions and judgmental attitudes that I have harbored resulting in my treating people like garbage. Sadly, I can’t even number the people for whom I have had the ability to help, but instead I pursued a selfish course resulting in pain or sorrow. You may ask, what do my shortcomings have to do with worshiping God at the same time I treat people like garbage?

Well there are a few concepts that I believe represent fundamental truths. First, I accept that the greatest commandment is to love God. Sometimes I show that love for God through quiet contemplation and humble prayer. I also show that love by reading scripture and sacred words. As I strive to become more pure and sanctified, I show pure love to God by changing the essence of my heart and desires.

Yet the greatest way I show love to God is by keeping the second commandment to love my neighbor. Each day when I awake I pray for the strength to treat everyone around me as a child of God, a beloved sibling who descends from royal heritage. Regardless of social status, religious affiliation, political beliefs, or any other defining characteristic, everyone is my sibling and I love them for that.

Unfortunately that love has yet to permeate my soul to the point where my heart is pure. I will hear a report on the radio that starts to increase the temperature of my blood. If I remain engaged with  negative social media posts I will find something that raises the temperature even more. But if I stop and write a post about love, I reverse the process and keep my blood from boiling over.

Sadly, I treat people like garbage all too often, but I believe that I can still worship God, now and always.


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