The Day My Children's Grandfather Died

Grandpa Reese, wife and daughters
On February 5, 2014 my father-in-law died.  We were not expecting his death.  He had undergone a recent knee-replacement surgery and was recovering and rehabilitating in a local care center.  Everyone who was there spoke of his energy and upbeat spirit.  All who visited him came away with a hopeful expectation that he would be able to return home soon. Instead, shortly after 5:00 the care center called my mother-in-law to inform her that her husband had passed away.

I live within a few blocks of my in-laws and my my mother-in-law called our home right after. My daughter answered the phone while I was in the basement helping my son paint a scout project.  I heard something in my daughter's voice that caused me to come upstairs and I asked what was wrong. When she said grandpa died I assumed it was my father but I asked if it was my dad or her mom's dad.

He loved Disney
I still don't believe it.  I took the phone and spoke with my mother-in-law.  I told her I would be on my way.  Immediately, I called my wife and I gave her the news.  She was remarkably calm but very shocked.  I ensured the well being of my children and went to provide her a blessing and comfort.  One by one family came.  All of her daughters live close and within the hour they were there.

Shock and tears. As word went out neighbors and friends started to stop by.  My mother-in-law was so gracious as she received them.  Once her grandchildren and daughters were with her I was asked to offer a prayer.  I was honored to kneel with my family and plead with God that He would comfort all of us and that we would find peace in His strength.

Grandpa Reese legacy
Even when I saw him lying in that bed he looked so peaceful.  Just like he was sleeping.  I know he has died.  I just don't fully believe it.  Yes.  I am still in shock. But I have been talking with my family.  We are sharing memories and we are planning. There will be a lot of changes for us.  But I have great hope that he is at peace.

Tonight my 10-year-old son said that a couple of times he got choked up but he hasn't cried.  I told him I had to call Fisher Price before I cried when my daughter was born.  My eldest daughter, away at college, went to a choral rehearsal for a Requiem.  My eldest son just keeps on offering to help.  My sweet Mary just cries when she thinks of her grandpa.  I told her that I am glad she cries; it means she knows her grandfather well enough to cry.

Today I close with a quote from my 10-year-old.  He lovingly said, "People die every day but every once in a while it's someone you love."


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