Train Travel

This morning I was riding in the dark and in the rain. Neither was in my plan, but bothe were out of my control. The darkness was caused by Daylight Saving Time, that politically determined period where change our clocks because we can't control the sun. The rain came because of the convergence of meteorological phenomena including atmospheric pressure, humidity and temperature. I ride at the mercy of nature for over it I have no control, at best I have a response.

This morning as I rode in the dark and rain, that has now become snow, I changed my route to join up with the train. As I travel in my yellow, red and black I should stand out; but no one pays attention. We sit together yet refuse to commune. We are all on the same track but lack a common destination; there are multiple stops and transfer points along the way. Although together we are not one. We are happenstance.

Students have their books ajar. Workers get lost in their headphones. Those without text to read and sounds to hear close their eyes and drift; they do not sleep for they might miss their stops. Periodically their eyes peek out to make sure they haven't gone too far. One man gets up and changes seats. The monotony breaks because he leaves his lunch below his seat. Another traveler notices the oversight and takes him his lunch. But the unknowing lunchless man is so absorbed in the sound of his headphones that the "Samaritan" has to wave the lunch in front of his eyes. He takes the lunch without a nod or a thank you.

I thank the man as he returns to his seat across from me. We chat briefly and then we return, he to his thoughts and me to my words.

We are all traveling together on this train of life. Happenstance brings us together and offers us moments to discover meaning. We need time for peace and serenity to contemplate, meditate and generate an understanding of all that surrounds us. We must respect those moments of intentional isolation and permit others the space they need to feel safe enough to plan to grow.

But should we not avoid the tendency to use signals of desired isolation to merely evade the communion with fellow travelers? On my bicycle my opportunity to engage with the throngs who drive by is almost nil. I can wave and I can nod. Certainly I have communicated gratitude for patience and observation as I make eye contact with drivers who wait my passing before continuing their journey. But while I can communicate thoughts I am unable to share words.

I am grateful when I meet a fellow traveler and we share an attitude of communion. Today I met a man who loves his job, his family and while on a mundane journey allowed me a glimpse of kindness between two travelers on a a train.

Today is a good day.


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