Who might we be?
I find myself bombarded by a myriad of thoughts and impressions that I know are impossible to express in some predetermined number of words. Yet I am gratefully compelled to write and share in the hope and prayer that even simple words might act as triggers to inspire even grander thoughts for me and all who might encounter these thoughts.
I believe that all things possess gifts and talents that exist to bring joy to themselves and others. The rich diversity in every Kingdom, Phyla, Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species allows for our very existence. The circle of life requires that everything is subordinate to something and superior to something else. Within that continual cycle we simultaneously occupy positions where we must act and be acted upon so that the system functions at an optimal level. Fortunately we are able to find, within this apparent contradiction, born of necessity, profound experiences of wonder, surprise and pleasure.
Included in the circumstances that unite us stand our very differences. Our existence results from a tremendous biodiversity that thrives while feeding on itself. Everything from the innate rocks and minerals, to non-sentient multi-varied plants, to single-celled organisms, and up to complex organism in all of their kinds, were and are needed to permit life as we know it. And this life, the life we know right now, will never come again.
Changes are slow and some go unperceived. There are species that have existed and are now gone and we are completely unaware because they are absent and we have never found their record. But we know that we have not discovered all and things that were, now lie beyond our reach of discovery. But I cannot mourn those losses because their very absence propelled the processes that result in the today we now enjoy. It is probable that if some species were still here that we would not be.
Nevertheless I cannot escape the premise that I should do all I can to preserve and protect everything that now exists; that I must strive to maintain the complexity of now and seek its improvement through even greater diversity. As a species we humans possess the capacity to conceive of constructs that are still yet to be. We must seek those things vigorously and passionately and continue to develop who we are by adding depth and richness through creativity and positive progress.
We should not wander aimlessly and without purpose but commit to protect that which we now have. If we can agree to that commitment we can then pursue the development of our own species by sharing the individual talents unique to every person with others. If we will also be willing to receive the differences that others manifest to us as gifts rather than barriers, I feel confident that we can grow as a species. We might then extend beyond that which we are to achieve something, which at present, we can only dream we may become.
I believe that all things possess gifts and talents that exist to bring joy to themselves and others. The rich diversity in every Kingdom, Phyla, Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species allows for our very existence. The circle of life requires that everything is subordinate to something and superior to something else. Within that continual cycle we simultaneously occupy positions where we must act and be acted upon so that the system functions at an optimal level. Fortunately we are able to find, within this apparent contradiction, born of necessity, profound experiences of wonder, surprise and pleasure.
Included in the circumstances that unite us stand our very differences. Our existence results from a tremendous biodiversity that thrives while feeding on itself. Everything from the innate rocks and minerals, to non-sentient multi-varied plants, to single-celled organisms, and up to complex organism in all of their kinds, were and are needed to permit life as we know it. And this life, the life we know right now, will never come again.
Changes are slow and some go unperceived. There are species that have existed and are now gone and we are completely unaware because they are absent and we have never found their record. But we know that we have not discovered all and things that were, now lie beyond our reach of discovery. But I cannot mourn those losses because their very absence propelled the processes that result in the today we now enjoy. It is probable that if some species were still here that we would not be.

We should not wander aimlessly and without purpose but commit to protect that which we now have. If we can agree to that commitment we can then pursue the development of our own species by sharing the individual talents unique to every person with others. If we will also be willing to receive the differences that others manifest to us as gifts rather than barriers, I feel confident that we can grow as a species. We might then extend beyond that which we are to achieve something, which at present, we can only dream we may become.
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