Mother's Day

Miracles often go unnoticed even though  they occur much more often than we think. Unless we pause and take notice we can take for granted daily marvels. While we will gladly acknowledge as miraculous winning shots in sports, life-saving procedures in medicine, and unexpected scientific breakthroughs we too often hesitate to verbally express the feelings we have for the daily miracles performed by the people most dear to us.  We tend to assume that our actions alone provide a sufficient basis to validate the emotional connections that we profoundly feel.

Occasionally we will take the time to celebrate a special someone and Mother's Day is one of those days. As a nation have set apart this day as we direct our words of gratitude to our mothers. "I love you", "thank you" and "let me help" flow from the mouths of children, fathers and friends as we cram into one day's waking hours the words that would be easier to say if we remembered to say them all year long.

Trials and tribulations seem to afflict many mothers and women, from their own point of view. If I had power to do only one thing, I might choose to allow the wonderful women in my life to see themselves as I see them. They think before they act. They care through their service. They delight with their presence. They lead by example. I wish for them the gift to see the direct and indirect rewards received by all those who are fortunate to live downstream from their generous good works.

Heaven's greatest gift grants us life and life begins, develops and thrives through the grace of motherhood. A mother's capacity to nurture and love transforms both the woman and the child and inspires every faithful father to respect his children's mother and to better honor his own mother. A mother's actions defy the law of the conservation of mass because once given they grow exponentially in the positive enrichment and inspiration to the original recipients and all who are influenced by them.

Eternal blessings await every person who fulfills the command from God to honor our mothers. Mortal blessings abound for every person who recognizes that the honoring of mothers goes far beyond the conformity of obedience, however obedience is a great place to start. As we show constant and unwavering support to our mothers and their teachings we will quickly solve any problems that confront us and we will form a solid societal foundation.

Rarely, if ever, do we live up to what all mothers deserve. But in this deficit I have discovered grace. A mother's love endures when the concern of others fades and ultimately disappears. But what should not be rare is our expression of love and appreciation for our mothers. We should continue to demonstrate this love by deed and strive to reflect their goodness in all we do. And to those actions we should add daily words of love and kindness.

Happy Mother's Day!


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