
Theoretical physicists, science fiction authors and other really, really smart people have postulated the existence of wormholes. These structures would permit travel through spacetime in ways that would defy the limitations of travel to the speed of light. Complex mathematical computations reveal that these tunnels could exist, even though there is no observational indication of these hypothetical spaces. A couple major problems with these alleged wormholes, besides actually finding one, is that matter can't travel through them because they are not stable and people are probably far too big to fit.

Dr. Luke Butcher, of Cambridge University, recently suggested that if these wormholes were stabilized, we might be able to send message through them. This concept allows us to imagine a time where we could communicate with another universe, even if we couldn't travel there. The mathematics of this suggestion is beyond my ability, but the explanations I have received from scientists I trust suggest that this hypothesis has merit. These same scientists also said that any time you have a chance to talk with theoretical thinkers you get a glimpse of the tremendous scope of human imagination and the things that are truly possible.

Whenever I start thinking about the crazy possibles of existence and creation I usually end up contemplating a multiverse. I visualize a realm with an infinite number of universes and infinite possibilities within them. The possibilities alone are enough to cause a mental shutdown from creative overload. But it occurs to me that in such a reality every single problem that exists for us today, in some other place that problem has been solved and no longer exists. Wouldn't it be wonderful, I thought, if we could send messages back and forth between these dimensions and mutually solve universal, or multiuniversal problems?

So as I pedaled and thought about these ideas I realized that we live in spheres that can be as separate as distant universes. While we all live on this planet, this earth is home to a multitude of worlds. Some of these worlds are separated by money and economic status. Some of these worlds are separated by race. Differences in language create barriers and separate worlds. Religious dogma, too frequently, divides us in ways that cause more than blindness, it can result in separate realms of existence where believers and nonbelievers walk side by side without any acknowledgment of the other's existence.

It's time for us to discover some societal wormholes to bridge these gaps that divide us to our detriment. We need to find stable tunnels that allow us to cut through the heart of these persistent problems and passionately pursue serious solutions. While political and governmental programs might provide opportunities, sad experience suggests that the partisanship from politics creates new challenges for every promised solution. These contentions destabilize the very tunnels that might bridge these decisive gaps. Yet I believe these wormholes can exist if we imagine such a world and look for the shortest paths that resolve these differences.


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