Problem Solving 101
I know a simple process that helps me make really good decisions. It requires three basic steps. Understand the question. Obtain the information to answer that question. Know where to turn when I get lost during steps one and two. I avoid bad decisions when I really understand the question before me. When I take shortcuts oversimplify the problem I inevitably err. Many will have filled out the paper that presented simple questions like your name, date, simple math problems and the like, only to get to the bottom of the page and find the instruction that told you to ignore all of the other questions and to then do something like make three dots on the back of the page. Most people overlook the instruction at the beginning that says to read all the instructions before they begin. That oversight and overconfidence led to their very mistake. Most of the time, when we think we already know the answer we try to solve problems we see before we understand the question before us. If we...