Gratefully Safe

Some days it doesn't take long to 
feel grateful for your spouse.

This was one of those mornings.

For basic context I need to share some information about my weekday routine.  During the winter there are a few items like my gloves and my balaclava that I keep together by placing them inside my bike helmet. (You should already know that I usually commute to work using my bicycle.)  I have spent too many mornings searching for my gloves, or worse one glove when I haven't put them in their spot. So now that they have a home my morning routine is much easier.

On a regular commuting day I will get ready for the ride.  I begin with a base thermal layer in the winter.  The black tights keep the body heat on the inside.   I then put on my crazy colorful bike-riding jersey for safety.  And if it is cold enough I pull on my fluorescent yellow windbreaker.  Once I put on my clip ons, all that is left are my balaclava, gloves and helmet.  This is a routine that I have repeated at least hundreds if not thousands of times.

But there are two things that will impede my willingness to commute to work on my bicycle.  If it is raining when I leave for work I will use an alternative means of transportation.  I don't mind rain when I am coming home but it does dissuade me in the mornings.  The other thing, and the relevant one for this morning is ice on the road.  If I do not have a place to ride my bicycle free from ice I use my alternate means of transportation.

Currently that means of transportation is to walk just over a mile, about two kilometers for my overseas friends, to the a train station that takes me right into my office.  I could actually walk a quarter of that distance and take a bus but I like the added exercise so I walk the extra distance.

So today I was following my usual routine but I checked outside to see the status of the road.  A weekend snow storm brought enough snow that there were randomized spots of ice.  It was enough for me to use my better judgment and just dress in my jeans and a sweater and go out for a walk instead of a ride.

It was obviously still cold so I wear my gloves and my balaclava, especially now that I shaved my beard.  Now this is where my gratitude comes in.  By chance I left the house at the same time my wife was pulling out of the garage to take the children to school.  As she backed out she looked at me with a very strange look.  She asked if I was really wanting to go out the way I was dressed.

I said, "Yes."

Because obviously I wouldn't wear my bicycle clothes to the office.

I am still laughing.
Thank you, Cathy!


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