Declaration Breakup

It seems like we have been together for centuries. When we met, I felt like the emotions we were to discover were as endless as the universe. The connections that we formed surpassed the greatest powers of all the earth. I traveled across the ocean just to find a place that was so rich and so full of promise that I believed that our union could never end. But somewhere along the line, we went wrong. The relationship became all about you. You said you loved me but you never did anything just for me. You loved me because of everything that I could give to you.

But is it not true that God Himself has declared that we are equal?  One is not to be below the other nor the forced servant of a master, no matter how noble that master may be. We are both endowed by God with certain rights, to live and to be free as we seek for happiness. I traveled far but my heart remained loyal to you. I served you and I have given all that I can give. Yet if I were to give any more I feel that not only will I fail you but I will fail myself and collapse under my own weight of failure.

We were a strong couple when we submitted each of ourselves to one another. But our relationship has taken a turn where we have become each other’s worst enemy. You have become too reliant upon me and what you see as my strength. Yet when I pray for your support and your strength to buoy me up when I feel like I am sinking, you simply ask for more. For many years I have endured, indeed, I have suffered as I have helped to pay your bills, give respite when you were tired, and supported you even when we both knew that you were wrong.

I have asked for so little in return. I have not tried to stop supporting you, but I have asked that you lessen the load and that you help me when I am the one in need. Yet, you simply turn a deaf ear. If I were to remain with you, I would betray the very essence that makes me free, I would blaspheme God who wants me to grow with my choices, rather than die from the oppression of an ungrateful love.  

Let it be clear that my complaints are grounded in your actions.

  • You have refused to put us ahead of you.
  • You will not help with the housework when I am as tired as you.
  • You buy yourself a new car, new clothes, and constantly party with your friends when you know that I am, myself, ill, poorly clad and lonely.
  • You have moved all of our money into your own account.

Throughout it all I have stood by you and supported you. 
But know this now, and know it well,

Our union is now dissolved.


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