Simple Goals

Because I make goals throughout the year I am not a fan of new year resolutions. My experience suggests that I require a confluence of circumstances to create an atmosphere where I find sufficient motivation to make a real change in my behavior. I have yet to experience such a phenomenon of intense inspiration for improvement from the turning of a calendar page; especially in the middle of winter. Something about the cold temperatures and the shortened days leaves me much less desirous of doing anything new. But recent events have encouraged me to simply be more kind. But such a general goal can be impossible to measure so I have divided it into a few categories.

How is my heart? Am I more prideful or humble? I know the answer to that question and need to do better. I pledge that from this day forward I will find one moment in every day when I am consciously aware of wanting to do something for myself and instead I will strive to help another. While I know this is a simple step, I suspect that once I get into the habit of doing this each and every day, I should exceed this goal and make humility a bigger part of who I am.

Where is my heart? Am I so focussed on my present and future wants and needs that I am blind to the needs of others? Have a fallen into a simple routine of giving such that I donate money to institutions and organizations rather than finding someone truly in need that I can help one on one. Have I given in to the notion that poverty and hunger are so great that there is nothing more that I can do than to write a check to my church or buy an extra bag of groceries at the market? Do I still oppress the poor? I know that I can do more and I pledge that I will do more than I have  been doing to feed the hungry and clothe the naked and bless the poor and needy.

What is my heart? Is it merely an organ that pulses in my chest so that blood will flow through my veins? Is my heart a place where the spirit of goodness dwells? Do I maintain a space for just a little bit of lying or cheating on the values I hold true? Am I honest in my actions such that they conform to what I profess to believe? I’m pretty sure I don’t have a for sale sign in my heart, but perhaps there are rooms with a small, little, temporary for rent sign that pops up now and again. I pledge to daily review my actions, and when I find hypocrisy I will remedy that action and ask forgiveness of any whom I might offend.

These are simple goals and simple changes. Yet a change in heart will change more than me. It can change the world.


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